
Domaine du chapitre UK

The Estate

Our estate is located in the very heart of Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone, 10 km South of Montpellier in the Languedoc-Roussillon.
Between scrubland and sea, in keeping with the Mediterranean identity of our terroir, we grow 35 hectares of vines and 5 hectares of olive trees.
Our vineyard is based on traditional local varietals ─ Grenache, Syrah, Mourvèdre ─ and more recent varietals ─ Merlot, Petit-verdot, Viognier. Our originality largely lies in the fact that we grow little-known varietals. Indeed, the Domaine du Chapitre is the cradle of new varietals such as Marselan, Caladoc, Aranel and Chasan. Thanks to this diversity, we are now able to offer a wide range of white, red and rosé wines.
Our 5,000 olive tree plot produces ‘extra virgin’ olive oil from different varietals : Picholine, Rougette, Cayon, Arboussane, Arbequine…
The name of our estate, so says the story, is historically linked to the Bishopric of Maguelone. At the very place where the old Priory used to stand, two wine cellars, typical of the Languedoc wine architecture, were built in the early 19th century.

Nos labels et récompenses

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